Debt Advice
Debt Advice
Over 8 million people in the UK have experienced financial difficulty in their lived and have struggled to pay back debt.
We are here to help. If you have received communications from Thoburn’s, talk to us as soon as possible.
You can either call us on 0191 477 2080, Email us or even send us a secure message
Vulnerable Customers
We appreciate that some customers may need additional support and guidance when faced with debt.
We are here to help. If you are a vulnerable customer and have received communications from Thoburn’s, talk to us as soon as possible.
You can either call us on 0191 477 2080, Email us or even send us a secure message
Where can I get Independent Debt Advice?
The following organisations all offer free independent debt advice:
StepChange Debt Charity
0800 138 1111
National Debtline
0808 808 4000
Citizens Advice
Know Your Parking Rights
You can also consult a solicitor or financial adviser but bear in that they may charge a fee. Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for Legal Aid.